Our local leaders are facing the pressing question of how to ensure a clean, reliable water supply with strains from population growth, booming development, and global warming. Many communities are already enforcing water restrictions. There are a few simple things you can do at home to ease the burden on your local water supply and save money in the process.
30 to 60% of domestic drinking water is used to water yards and gardens, and often large portions are wasted by over-watering, evaporation, and misdirected sprinklers that water sidewalks and driveways.
The average U.S. per capita water use is 170 gallons per day (gpd). In Australia it is 36 gpd. Thanks to water efficiency, Australia uses far less water, but still enjoys the same high quality of life.
If Metro Atlanta embraced water efficiency solutions they could save up to $700 million and between 130 and 210 million gallons a day – that’s up to one-third of their current water supply.